Welcome to Ombuds-Office website and is available in both English and Japanese.
About the Ombuds Office
The OIST Ombuds Office was established in June 2019 by former President Peter Gruss. The OIST Ombuds Office is a safe space where anyone working or studying at OIST Graduate University is welcome to discuss work-related concerns, problems, or disputes in confidence.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any work-related interpersonal difficulties, communication problems, departmental conflicts, misunderstandings, harassment, violation of University policy, managerial dilemmas, supervisor/employee issues, or other work-related concerns.
You may contact us anytime using our external e-mail address. We will arrange a time for you to visit and discuss your conerns, evaluate your situation, and explore the options for alternative dispute resolution or formal process. Meetings can be held in person or online.
Our office supplements, but does not replace, the University's formal channels.
What the Ombuds Office does
People come to the Ombuds Office for many reasons. Sometimes visitors want to talk. Some are reluctant to go through formal channels. Some need to figure out where to go or what they should do next. If you are still determining whether the Ombuds Office can help, please contact us, no matter how big or small your issue is. All conversations with the Ombuds Office members are confidential, voluntary, and free.
Listens in a non-judgmental and objective way.
Answers questions or with permission refer to others.
Provides and explains information about University policies and processes.
Offers a channel to anonymously and confidentially raise concerns and works toward systemic change if necessary.
Confidentially assists you (only with your permission) in resolving a dispute or conflict.